I was in a supermarket and I was walking through the isles and through one of the isles I saw my grandmother and I was shocked because I haven’t seen her in forever because she passed away when I was 12 I came up to her and I told her I had so many questions but one question that I was surprised I asked was “when do we that Jesus is coming again?” And she answered to me simply with a calm voice “when the mountains shake.” And she smiled exactly how she did when she was alive And at the same time she smiled I felt a rumbling coming from outside the supermarket and I looked out and I could see that the sky turned into an indigo and royal purple and from the ground grew mountains as high as Mount Everest and some that were much taller than that and out from the mountains came a blood moon I tried looking for my grandmother but she disappeared from the isle I saw her in and I was left alone with a spectacle that left me in awe but at the same time left me in pure fear and with my face left perplexed and in shock and the dream ended.
This dream could symbolize your desire to reconnect with your grandmother and to seek answers to life's bigger questions. Your grandmother's response about the shaking mountains could represent a reminder to pay attention to the signs around you and to trust your intuition. The indigo and royal purple sky may indicate a sense of spiritual awakening and the blood moon could symbolize a significant change or transformation. The fear and shock you felt in the dream could represent the uncertainty that comes with major transitions or events in life. It may be helpful to reflect on this dream and what it means for your personal journey.